Factory And Machinery Act 1967

Operation of act in sabah and sarawak suspended see p.
Factory and machinery act 1967. In 1970 the factories and machinery act and eight regulations under the act were enforced. Amminatul izzah mbbs year 4 unisza 2. This act was legislated to overcome the weaknesses in the machinery ordinance 1953 they were not protected if they are working in a workplace that doesn t use machinery. 1 this act may be cited as the factories and machinery act 1967.
And the said work is carried on by way of trade for the purpose of gain. Objectives control of factories operations with respect to safety health and welfare of persons registration and inspection of machinery 3. Regulations under factories and machinery act 1967 act 1939 factories and machinery person in charge amendment regulations 2014 download. Factories and machinery act 1967 revised 1974 malaysia 1.
An act to provide for the control of factories with respect to matters relating to the safety health and welfare of persons therein the registration and inspection of machinery and for matters connected therewith text of act no. Factories and machinery act 1967 fma 1967 safety related regulations free download as powerpoint presentation ppt pdf file pdf text file txt or view presentation slides online. Regulations under factories and machinery act 1967 act 139 folder regulations under factories and machinery act 1967 act 139 search for documents. Laws of malaysia act 139 factories and machinery act 1967 deliver by.
Factories and machinery special scheme of inspection risk based inspection regulations 2014 download. A 111 2003 revision of laws rectification of factories and machinery act 1967 order 2003 factories and machinery 45 dicetak oleh. Factories and machinery act 1967 fma 1967 1. 64 of 1967 as revised up to 1989.
Pdf factories and machinery noise exposure revocation regulations 2019. 8 factories machinery act 1967 in the year 1967 the factories and machinery act was approved by the parliament of malaysia. Interpretation factory any premises where persons are employed in manual labour in any process of the making altering repairing ornamenting sorting finishing cleaning washing breaking demolishing constructing fitting adjusting of any article. Act 139 factories and machinery act 1967 revised 1974 long title an act to provide for the control of factories with respect to matters relating to the safety health and welfare of person therein the registration and inspection of machinery and for matters connected therewith.
3 the minister may by order suspend the operation of the whole or any of the provisions of this act in any state and may at any time thereafter remove the suspension. Factories and machinery act 1967 fma 1967 safety related regulations.