Malaysian Companies Act 1965 Pdf

Definition of wholly owned subsidiary 6.
Malaysian companies act 1965 pdf. The name of the institute is the institute of internal auditors malaysia or abbreviated as iia malaysia. The registered office of the institute will be situated in. The objects for which the company is established are 1 to act on behalf of the members of the company being the composers or authors or publishers or owners or persons otherwise. 1108506 w incorporated on the 10th day of september 2014.
Throughout malaysia 15 april 1966 p u. The companies act 1965 company limited by shares memorandum of association of telekom malaysia berhad 128740 p 1. The name of the company is telekom malaysia berhad 128740 p. 79 of 1965 date of coming into operation.
168 1966 part i preliminary short title 1. First reprint 1988 second reprint 1995 third reprint 2000. Table a excluded the regulations contained in table a in the fourth schedule to the companies act 1965. 1973 as act 125 w e f.
Definition of ultimate holding company 5b. The registered office of the company will be situated in malaysia. The objects for which the company is established are. Laws of malaysia companies act 1965.
Companies act 1965 revised 1973 incorporating latest amendment act a1299 2007 first enacted. 1 this act may be cited as the companies act 1965. The companies act 1965. The companies act 1965 company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital memorandum of association of the institute of internal auditors malaysia 1.
The companies act 1965 malaysia public company limited by shares articles of association of ihh healthcare berhad formerly known as integrated healthcare holdings berhad exclusion of table a 1. Throughout malaysia 15 april 1966 p u. 1 the companies act 1965. Laws of malaysia act 125 companies act 1965 arrangement of sections part i preliminary section 1.
Definition of subsidiary and holding company 5a. The registered office of the company will be situated in malaysia. 22 laws of malaysia act 125 companies 23 laws of malaysia act 125 companies act 1965 an act relating to companies. The companies act 1965 malaysia public company limited by shares memorandum and articles of association of sunway construction group berhad company no.