Second Class Upper Cgpa Uitm

Ni dah abes degree ni alhamdulillah dapat 3 62.
Second class upper cgpa uitm. Cuma satu semester je tergeliat tak dpt dl kalau tak dapat gak aku merasa selempang pink anc tu. Hi i am a bit confused about the classes of cgpa. My bachelor s degree uni doesn t practice this kind of cgpa classification. First class degree tu dia combine cgpa kita setiap sem dan setiap universiti berbeza pointer dia.
Nak dapat cgpa 3 5 pun semput dapat 3 41 je pun. 5 to this moment the correct cgpa for nigerian universities using the five point scale remains first class. Second class upper division 3 0000 3 4999. 4 50 and above second class upper.
Setakat yang tahu tanya pada hep uitm hari tu masih 3 5 first class. My current cgpa is 3 21 4 00 please advice. Obtained a minimum of second class upper honours or a cgpa of 3 5 4 0 at bachelor degree level for master s degree applicants and for phd candidates must possess cgpa 3 5 4 0 or very good result at master s degree level in a similar field of intended phd study. Uk module marks uk degree classification gpa 70 first class honours 4 0 65 69 upper second class honours 3 7 60 64 upper second class honours 3 3 55 59 lower second class honours 3 0 50 54 lower second class honours.
Upper second class honours 60 to 70 also known as a 2 1 pronounced as two one for some time now this has been the most common degree grade awarded in the uk. Second class lower division 2 2000 2 9999. The majority of employers looking to recruit graduates will be looking for candidates to have this level of degree classification therefore in a way it s a benchmark. 1 50 2 49 6 if what he said is actually correct then he should first make sure that he is not the only one having the problem.
Mungkin bergantung pada gred setiap u uitm kalau dapt c dah kira gagal kalau u lain belum gagal jadi susah jugak nak lulus duk uitm sbb tu kot 3 5 dah first class huhuhuh. Budak2 uitm tau laa kot selempang tu. Since this is your final year i m not sure how much you can bump up your cgpa since it s the average of all 4 5 years gpas. Contohnya uitm mungkin regard 3 5 above sebagai first class tapi universiti lain mungkin letakkan 3 75 sebagai first class.
There s no set standard but according to fullbright us uk commission here s the comparable scale to convert uk grades to a 4 0 gpa scale. For all undergraduate programmes with effect from january 2011 intake honours classification shall be awarded based upon the cut off point cgpa as shown below. 3 50 4 49 second class lower. Tapi as aku nak grad ni aku dok pening ade orang cakap 3 5 dah first class ade yang cakap 3 67 baru first class.
But generally 1st class upper is above 3 75. 2nd class upper is 3 5 to 3 75. In mmu 3 67 and above is classified as first class and 3 34 3 66 as second upper.