Jkr Schedule Of Rates 2017 Pdf

1000 ruidp ii sor 2017.
Jkr schedule of rates 2017 pdf. Ruidp iii sor 2017. B the conditions of tender form of tender and articles of agreement of the. Bhel schedule of rates bhel item no description unit contractors rate rs remarks 1 earth work in surface excavation not exceeding 30cm in depth but exceedign 1 5 m in width as well as 10sqm on plan including disposal of excavation earth upto 50m and lift upto 1 5m disposal soil to be levelled and neatly dressed. A the general conditions of contract and special conditions of contract adopted for the term contract.
Ruidp v sor 2017 contents s. 01 05 2017 issued by project director ruidp jaipur raj price. The rates on this schedule of equipment rates are for applicant owned equipment in good mechanical condition complete with all required attachments. The tenderer may propose to vary any rate in the schedule and his.
Academia edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Associated gr 01 this schedule of rates hereinafter referred to as this schedule or the schedule shall documents be read and used in conjunction with. Ruidp iv sor 2017. 1 1 all kinds of soil sqm 2073 60.
Schedule of rates civil engineering works in sarawak. Code to provide a shorter more realistic recovery period for the depreciation of commercial roofs jkr schedule of unit rates pdf document april 15th 2018 jkr schedule of unit rates jkr20800 0196 15 kerajaan malaysia jabatan kerja raya schedule of rates for the stairs landings canopy slabs roof jurukur bahan jkr rate online may 1st. Each rate covers all costs eligible under the robert t. The rates as provided in the schedule of rates of pwd kuwssb escoms kpcl be adopted for the items not found in this schedule of rates.
5121 et seq for ownership and operation of equipment including. 144 00 d ditto 62mm diamond mesh no 6m x 1 1800mm having three 3 strands of 2 ply barb wire 13 gauge with 4 pointed barb 75mm c c. Schedule of rates civil engineering works in sarawak 2016 970 kb. The basic rates are exclusive of sales tax on works contract.
410 80 g mild steel gate to suit opening size 900mm x 1500mm comprising of 50mm x 50mm x 6mm painted mild steel frames and braces g 50 the rates contained in the foregoing schedule of rates shall be increased decreased by w. Schedule of rates building works in sarawak 2018 2 mb. And emergency assistance act 42 u s c. Bolts welding and no.
The rates specified for these materials in the schedule of rates. Schedule of rates watermain construction in sarawak 2016 1 mb. Schedule of rates 2017 w e f. Schedule of rates electrical installation works in sarawak 2016 669 kb.